Sunday, March 25, 2012

Drink Your Veggies!

So most people I know will tell you I like the drink.  Well surprisingly that is not just reserved for wine and other adult beverages but also my veggies!

Upon the suggestion of my older sister a few months back, I watched the documentary Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead (it's on it).  Now I was a little skeptical at first, but watching this guy totally change his life by eating the foods that come out of the ground was pretty inspirational, only took a few days and my juicer was here!  

I have been juicing ever since.  Mostly trying to have a meal a day as a juice, although this sounds a bit easier than it is.  I am lucky enough to work in the city and near a juice bar where they will make just about anything, seeing as my co-workers (one who I made watch the documentary and she subsequently became a juicer even though she may or may not have a website dedicated to meat, the other just a self proclaimed "social juicer") and I have become regulars there we have gotten the chance to try a whole bunch of different things.  Add a beet here, some kale there and viola...delicious and your daily does of veggies in one cup, how awesome is that!  

Here are 2 of my favorites, the green juice is something I typically make the night before and enjoy on the train ride into work as breakfast.  The other is homage to the juice guy at Loop Juice in the French Market...I have changed the name to make it more appetizing as they call it Heavy Avocado which sounds like it might hit me over the head and make me fall asleep mid-meeting.    

Enjoy and drink up!  I drink mine at home in a martini glass, might as well drink it out of something nice!  So next time your Mom tells you to eat your veggies, tell her you will drink them instead.

Green Juice (makes 1 16 oz juice depending on juicer performance)

2 Green Apples
1 Pear
1/2 inch piece fresh ginger
1/2 cucumber
1 stalk celery
1 cup spinach
3 kale leaves

Juice all items in a juicer, cutting as needed to fit.  Enjoy and mark your veggie consumption off the list for the day!


1/2 avocado
juice of 1 apple
1 banana
12-15 almonds (or other nut of choice, walnut & pecans work)
1 cup ice

Juice the apple in a juicer.  Add apple juice, and remaining ingredients to blender with ice, blend under completely mixed and nuts are chopped and enjoy!  

Note: Make it interesting and add a tablespoon of peanut butter in there.  Yum!  Makes a delicious dessert that is creamy like ice cream but none of the dairy!

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