Sunday, March 25, 2012

Why Make It When You Can Fake It?

During a recent jaunt to my local Trader Joe's I spotted some Wasabi Roasted Seaweed Snacks.  At 99 cents a pack I promptly procured 15 packages of them.  At 60 calories (for the entire pack!) they make a great snack at work, although the little green flakes sometimes stick to your desk, your shirt, even your face.  All is worth it to me.  They have a kick of wasabi which I find delicious but if spice isn't your thing no fear, they make them just regular as well.  

So now to the point of my post.  One thing I loved before I became plant-based was sushi.  It is something I still find myself missing from time to time.  We frequently go out to a local restaurant that is mostly chinese food but they have a sushi bar.  I started to try some of their vegetarian options and they really were good.  Our favorite is the avocado roll, but I love avocados so much I would eat them on everything!  This past Valentine's Day I made us our own sushi, cooked the rice, rolled the nori, etc.  While good it certainly took forever and we gobbled it up in minutes!  I mean at least it looked pretty.

Then I had an idea one night while munching on my favorite snack (see above); what if I used this to make a deconstructed avocado roll?  

And that's just what I did.  My little sister gave me these tasting spoons for x-mas (thanks Jeri!) this year, but this works just as well on a regular spoon.  Here's what you need:

Deconstructed Veggie Sushi Rolls
Trader Joe's Seaweed Snack (wasabi or regular depending on taste)
Cooked Rice (I used brown rice here but most rices will be fine)
Diced Avocado or other veggies (try cucumber, mango - not a veggie but still yummy, cooked mushrooms)
Soy Sauce
Sesame Seeds

So start with your spoons.
Add a little soy sauce.

Add a spoonful of rice.
Sprinkle on some sesame seeds.
Add your avocado or other veggies.

Tear the seaweed into little bite size pieces and enjoy!
This totally works as a lunch or appetizer (or if you are a Top Chef fan an amuse bouche) if you are making some stir-fry.  It can also fill you up all by itself.  Delicious and no rolling necessary...straight to your mouth in less than 5 minutes!

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