Sunday, March 25, 2012

Kale A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

Okay, so it wasn't until I started juicing (see earlier post on that one) that I had even given kale a second thought.  It is just another green, leafy vegetable right?

That was all before I found out what a super super food kale is.  Need some vitamin c, eat some kale....need some fiber, eat some kale...want to lower your risk of some kale.  That's enough to convince me to have some.

Kale has gotten quite a bit of attention lately due to the fact that a famous chicken restaurant...won't say who but they are not open on Sundays decided to sue a guy just making some t-shirts about kale because they didn't want people to confuse kale for chicken.  Now one would assume the american public is a little more intelligent then that, but clearly aforementioned chicken company has very little faith in their customers.  Actually, I am pretty sure we could solve a lot of health issues in this country if people starting confusing kale for fried chicken...

I make Kale Chips just about weekly and have some on hand to snack on.  It is simple and easy to do, but also easy to burn so make sure you stand by just in case.  I like to make them with a little asian flavor, but they do just fine with a little olive oil, salt & pepper.

Kale Chips

3 kale leaves 
1 tsp olive oil
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp sesame seeds
1/4 teaspoon salt (or to taste)

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Tear the kale leaves into pieces as big as you would like the chips, I typically tear them into what would be bite size pieces.  Don't use the stems, these will not turn out chip like.  You can toss them or use them later in a veggie broth or something if you have a lot of time to do that (I think the box of veggie broth from Trader Joes is just fine and takes zero time).  
Make sure you wash and dry the leaves well.  I find that a salad spinner does best here, not to mention is super fun to use.  

Toss the kale with the oils, seeds, and salt.  I find that this little amount of oil is just fine.  You don't want to much because soggy kale chips are not good kale chips.  

Place kale chips on a cookie sheet in a single layer.

Cook in oven for 8-10 minutes.  Checking them often to make sure they don't burn, just like soggy kale chips, burnt kale chips are not good.  When the chips are crispy remove from the oven and enjoy all the nutrients you are consuming!

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